The importance of hash tags on your social media post

How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network

Ever wondered the significance of hash tags to your social media posts?

I for a long time did use hash tags on my posts on Facebook, intagram especially and LinkedIn as well. However, I used them indiscrimintely and without knowledge. It was until I learnt how to apply hash tags that I started using them correctly.

Hash tags are used to categorize posts i.e. to summarize your post in a word or two. You create them by typing # followed by your choice words without spacing, e.g. #mydayout.

When you use a hash tag on your post it serves as one of the ways of identifying your posts depending on whether you are the only one who has used such a hash tag or not.

When someone comes on a social media platform like twitter and searches for a hash tag, a list of posts with the hash tag in search will appear, this will lead to more and further posts engagements.

Also, you can ask people to follow a certain hash tag so as to identify and follow your posts. For instance I use the hash tag #agabusdigital on LinkedIn. If you put it in the  search box, all the posts that I have made with that hash tag will appear because it is my unique hash tag?

In another instance, if you search the hash tag #digitalmarketing on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn you will see several posts by different persons on the topic digital marketing.

So, will you like to have a special hash tag?

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