How to get a job on LinkedIn: Five Easy Steps

Hello there, I will be sharing with you some tips on how to get a job for yourself on LinkedIn. These tips have worked for me, my friends and fellow LinkedIn users.

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social network where, professionals, recruiters and job seekers interact. It has much in common with Facebook just that it is a bit formal.

Five steps to getting a job on LinkedIn

1. Sign up on LinkedIn

It is easy to sign up on LinkedIn. All you need is an active email. You will be asked to set a secure password for yourself.

2. Set up a complete profile

After signing up on LinkedIn, it is Mandatory to set up your profile by providing the following information where indicated:

  • Full name e.g Mark Anthony
  • Job summary e.g. Accountant or Economics graduate, etc. Internship positions are good enough to he presented.
  • Work experience if any.
  • Educational background
  • Skills
  • Volunteered causes
  • Projects

3. Start making connections

On LinkedIn a connection is similar to a friend on Facebook. LinkedIn suggests an array of users from which you can select and send a connection invitation to them. You too will receive connection requests from other users. It is good to have a connection network of at least two hundred. This is so as to appear well in the sight of recruiters.

4. Start posting and engaging your connections

People get jobs directly from their network or indirectly via referral from their network. By commenting on the posts of fellow connections, you establish communication with each other.

Also, you sell your skills by posting about what you do. A short story on your past experience at work will make a good post.

5. Ask your connections for referral

After having secured some familiarity with your connections, you can feel free to ask them to refer you for a job.

6. Reach out to HR’s

You can now feel free to search for Human resource officers in any firm of your interest on LinkedIn. After identifying the HR of a company, inttoduce yourself mentioning your skills and how you can be of importance to their company. Such attempts will land you some interviews. Remember not all attempts will lead to interviews. Others may say that there is no vacancy in their firms. Don’t feel bad for trying.

7. Do your best at the interview

If you scale up to the interview stage, it means you have something to offer. When you get to the interview give a good impression. Prove you are the right person for the job by responding convincingly to all questions.

8. Follow up

After the interview, give the HR a space of a week or two. You can then ask for a feedback if you have not received a reply within that time. Remember it is a good practice to follow up after an interview. It shows your level of interest in the firm.

Wishing you the very best. Got any questions or comments? Reach the comments box.






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